Responding to Disclosures on Campus

Ontario university and college policies and protocols require that all employees have a duty to immediately report all incidents and suspected incidents of sexual violence. Most university and college policies name the Sexual Violence Response/Advisor and/or Campus Public Safety & Security as the persons to receive this report.

Students are strongly encouraged to report incidents of sexual violence, but do not need to formally report incidents of sexual violence to obtain supports, services or accommodation from their institution.



  • Go to a safe place.
  • Find a trusted friend or colleague to speak to.
  • Contact the Sexual Violence Response/Advisor at your Institution (see your own Institution’s policy and resources).
  • Contact the Equity, Diversity, and/or Human Rights department at your institution (see your own Institution’s policy and resources).
  • Contact your institution’s Employee Assistance program (see your own Institution’s policy and resources).
  • Call the Sexual Assault Centre in your community (see OCRCC provincial list).
  • Go to or call the Sexual Assault/ Domestic Violence Care Centre in your community (see SADVTC provincial list)
  • Contact your Institution’s Campus Safety & Security (see your own Institution’s policy and resources).
  • Contact your union steward.
  • Contact your Institution’s Human Resources department.
  • Go to or call your nearest police service.


Most Ontario postsecondary Institutions suggest that you contact the Sexual Violence Response/Advisor at your campus. Many Colleges and Universities requires this in their protocol (see your own Institution’s policy and resources).

This person can provide support for you and the person who has disclosed to you, as well as any guidance and information you may need to support the survivor. Receiving a disclosure can, itself, be traumatic and supports are available at your institution to help you as well.

It is important to be supportive while referring survivors to the right person who can provide the help they need. Postsecondary institutions in Ontario are required to make support contacts, guidance and information available: (see your own Institution’s policy and resources).

Safety First

If a student or employee reports an incident of sexual assault or sexual violence to you, you should assess the situation and if you think the student or employee is at risk, contact your Campus Safety & Security services immediately and also contact the Sexual Violence Support/Advisor at your Institution.

If the person disclosing to you is a student, you can let them know about Student Counselling, Services, and student supports for specific groups, such as women, 2SLGBTQIA+, Indigenous, Black/students of Color. You can also let them know about the Sexual Violence Support/Response person at your institution, as well as the resources in your community. If the student lives in Residence, your institution will have a person in the role of Residence Supervisor, or Advisor, who has a protocol to follow in situations of Sexual Violence that includes arranging supports, counselling, and informing the Sexual Violence Support/Response person. If you are not in a position to grant accommodations to the student, the sexual violence support/response person at your institution has the role of ensuring that the student receives all necessary academic and other accommodations.

If the person disclosing to you is an employee, they should be informed about the Sexual Violence Support/Response person at your institution. They can also access any of the supports listed above. If they do not have access to your University or College’s employee assistance program, your institution will have a list of community support services.

It is important to note that if an employee becomes aware of an allegation of sexual violence against another member of the university or college community, that employee is required under the Ontario Health and Safety Act to report the alleged incident. Please refer to the policy at your Institution. If you are not sure, this training recommends that you report to the Sexual Violence Response/Advisor or Campus Public Safety & Security immediately.

If you witness sexual violence, again please refer to the policy at your institution. If you are not sure, this training recommends that you report to the Sexual Violence Response Advisor or Campus Public Safety & Security immediately.