Responding to Disclosures on Campus

Creating and updating resources offers increased community connection.

All situations of disclosure are opportunities to initiate constructive and supportive interventions. Integral to this is the provision of resources and referrals.

Resources outside of the educational institution can expand the support surrounding a survivor of sexual violence and directly address, the loss of support caused by the violence. See Provincial Supports for some resources that everyone can offer.

Resources offer choice, even if some options appear to be duplicated, and choice is central to someone whose choices have been obstructed and overpowered.

Each University and College in Ontario has added resources that are specific to their communities to their policy and procedures websites: Working with Sexual and Gender-based Violence Response/Advisor’s (SGVRA).

CLICK HERE for resources that are specific to your college or university.

Survivors working with a SGVRA has been shown to create more positive experiences with formal supports. This helps to reduce the hierarchy between professionals and survivors.


Provincial Supports

University & College Links

Campus Campaigns

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